Sunday, August 1, 2010

Head Bang X)

Don't Feel like Blogging.. GAhh

Anyways, On Friday was Evo Night :)
After school on Friday, Me, Jia Han, Lin Han, Win Nie & Pui Yee came over to my place,
We Baked Cupcakes and swam :D
We All had fun  X)

Evo was... BUSY BUSY BUSY Goshh.. XD
Cause Im domestic Science and MOre than half of the Club members went off and NEVER Helped X( 
So Technically, Less than 5 helped...
Spent almost the whole night there, but Owhh well...

Watched the Choir... Sang.." Baby"
And Me and DEnz Head Banged XD

Well, Had some combo thing in HZ's Club,So I had to pay 7 Bucks for three Large Temp Tatoos..
I put on my hand, Juanny put hers on her hand.. and Denz put his on his FACE X)

That was my Design :)

Anyways, Muhaimin Taught be Some guitar chords.. :)
C Major and G Major :D
Gonna learn more and hopefully get my sister's guitar X)


And Yes, the pictures were copyrighted and editted :P